Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Doll Maker's Diary, Part 23: The CRASH Flight Suit

Doll Maker's Diary, Part 23: The CRASH Flight Suit

Earlier I described what the regular CRASH Suit is, how it works, and the benefits it provides to anyone who wears it. With that out of the way, I would like to take this opportunity to show another X-Girl costume I made: the CRASH Flight Suit. There are actually two possible designs for this, as shown below.

Top: One possible design for the CRASH Flight Suit, as worn by Ellie Watts. Above: Another proposal for the CRASH Flight Suit, this time worn by Kayla Brooks.

As its name suggests, the CRASH Flight Suit was originally intended for (and is still used by) CRASH Dropship crews. It is lighter than the regular CRASH Suit, and as such does not hinder a CRASH Agent's movement as much. However, it provides less protection and has less room for accessories. This makes it ideal for missions where speed and agility are more important than brute strength and firepower. Even so, CRASH armorers still recommend using the standard suit in most circumstances.

Surprisingly, the standard CRASH Suit can be worn over the Flight Suit. There is actually a very good reason for this. If the standard suit is too heavily damaged to remain usable, it can be jettisoned, thereby boosting the CRASH Agent's speed and agility and making it easier to avoid enemy fire. With luck, the Agent can be fitted with a new CRASH Suit and return to the battlefield to continue fighting.

This concludes my summary of another vital piece of CRASH equipment. Stay tuned for more stories from CRASH Chronicles next month.