Monday, December 17, 2018

Doll Maker's Diary Holiday Special

Doll Maker's Diary Holiday Special

With Christmas just a week away, I figured that now would be the right time to make a holiday-themed artwork on DollDivine's X-Girl Creator. It did not take long for me to come up with the idea of the four founding members of the CRASH Alpha Squad having a Christmas party in a penthouse at night, with their special abilities on display as a substitute for an actual Christmas tree covered in lights. This being a Christmas-themed project, I felt like there should be plenty of red, white and green with some gold added for good measure. So here it is.

Claire Hayes, Ellie Watts, Kayla Brooks and Alexa Lowe sending you their best holiday wishes.

I would also like to take this moment to also send out my best holiday wishes to all the Automationeers, Infinite Space explorers, DollDivine designers and board game enthusiasts out there.

And as another gift, here are some artworks I made on the Heroine Creator showing the first four characters in STAR Power dressed up for a Christmas party.

Above, from top: Tiffany Ward, Katie Parker, Jessica Burton and Michelle Hawkins bearing gifts this holiday season, symbolized by a glowing magical rose, each of which has a different color.

Last but not least, here's a preview of the new characters I will introduce to CRASH Chronicles in 2019.

Above, from top: Some of the new characters due to appear in CRASH Chronicles in 2019 or later.

With that, I wish everyone a happy New Year, and I'll see you again in 2019.