Thursday, November 28, 2024

MechDB Misadventures, Part 12: Zombierauder II

MechDB Misadventures, Part 12: Zombierauder II

Having discussed the potential of some Annihilator variants to be configured as zombie 'Mechs (ones that not only lack explosive components, but also can only be destroyed if their center torso, head, or legs are shot off, and may even be able to fight back without either side torso being intact), I will do the same thing for the Marauder II. To give you an example, here's a build based on the MAD-4A that exploits this characteristic, with extra heat sinks to cool it down more quickly and easily:

An example of a zombie build for the Marauder II MAD-4A carrying 4 each of standard Large and Medium Lasers. It may seem undergunned, but it has full jump capability and immense heat capacity - an asset in battles which are decided by how often you can attack without overheating.

Taking the idea further, you could place all (or most) of the weapons (and hardpoints) in the torsos and head, with two Large Lasers and a Medium Laser in each side torso, and by adding a ninth energy hardpoint (two in the center torso to complement the one that was moved to the head), you could mount three more medium lasers (necessitating the relocation of the center torso-mounted Class 1 jump jet to one of the legs). While I'm at it, I'd downgrade the engine to a standard 300-rated fusion item, trading speed for some useful spare mass. Some of this would go into a fourth jump jet in the opposite leg (made possible by giving the variant provision for four Jump Jets instead of the usual three), for 2 jump jets per leg (an arrangement similar to the Dark Age era MAD-6S). Finally, there will be room for 22(!) Double Heat Sinks (10 in the engine, 2 in the engine's expansion slots, 2 more in each side torso, and 3 in each arm) in total, plus Inner Sphere CASE (weighing 0.5 tons and occupying 1 critical slot each) to pad out any unused mass or tonnage - I'd only need to remove 6 points of standard armor (leaving 19 tons covering the standard internal structure) to reach the tonnage limit. The resulting 'Mech can not only absorb its heat load very easily, but also jump great distances despite its low ground speed.

As a further variant, if each arm also had three energy hardpoints each (bringing the 'Mech's total to 15), I'd swap out a Double Heat Sink in each arm (along with the CASE in both side torsos) to fit six Small Lasers there. While it will run hotter, it will be more potent at closer ranges. Upgrading to extended-range lasers is possible, but this change on its own will also increase the heat load even further. My advice would be to keep the three arm-mounted Double Heat Sinks, replace the regular Large Lasers with extended-range ones (for long-range poptarting), and retain the double CASE (or swap it out, along with a half-ton of armor, for an AMS with one ton of ammo if you're paranoid about missile fire), and leave everything else as-is. You'll have a true zombie assault 'Mech that can absorb immense amounts of damage and jump like a lighter 'Mech, while still being able to pump out near-constant alpha strikes (61 damage each) for surprisingly long periods of time until you get close to the heat limit (although using the Jump Jets will heat it up even more quickly, so don't do it too often!), all without any ammunition dependency or internal explosion issues to worry the crew.

There are other hypothetical non-canon zombie builds in the 100-ton assault 'Mech class, but the one I'm proposing, with an average-sized engine, 22 Double Heat Sinks to cover 4 and 5 Large and Medium Lasers, respectively (concentrated around the torsos and head) and extra jump range (for a 100-tonner) may well be the most zombie-like of them all. If this one really existed, prepare to annoy your foes to no end!

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