Friday, July 13, 2018

Doll Maker's Diary, Part 12: Kayla Brooks

Doll Maker's Diary, Part 12: Kayla Brooks

Having already introduced two CRASH agents, Ellie Watts and Claire Hayes, I now present you with a third one - Kayla Brooks.

A brief description of CRASH agent Kayla Brooks, along with some of the outfits I made for her.

Before becoming a CRASH agent, Kayla Brooks volunteered to receive a prototype serum which would enhance her regenerative abilities. However, the doctor administering the trial accidentally gave her an overdose of the serum, increasing her speed and strength in the process. Another side-effect of the overdose was that she could heal nearby people by emitting a light purple beam - but only for a few seconds at a time, after which she must wait for a brief period of time in order to use it again. In addition, her powers have no offensive use; as such, she fulfills a support role within CRASH and relies on her marksmanship and melee combat skills to win battles. Also, her regeneration rate is somewhat slow, to balance out her superhuman speed and strength. Finally, she cannot actually resurrect dead people, and hence takes great care to prevent her allies - and innocent civilians - from being killed.

Under CRASH Commander Claire Hayes' guidance, she trained herself to use her ranged healing ability on multiple allies at once. Although this drains her healing reserves more quickly, further training can make the healing beams last much longer and cover longer distances. Kayla's healing beams are surprisingly effective against the undead: instead of reverting them to normal humans, it destroys them outright. In fact, it causes them to explode.

This concludes my summary of CRASH agent Kayla Brooks. Stay tuned for info on more CRASH agents in the following weeks.

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